Oh my dear, Lily.
I’m afraid I saw this coming
yet wondered why it should come at all.
I know what it is to be
on the receiving end
of confided grief and dread.
I see how it can seep
into the receiver and color the well instead.
But your fate need not be so funereal.
A life of cultivation
especially this late in the game
is rarely made of dreams and ideals,
but often diminishment, tears, and pain.
This is, of course, compounded
by the uncertain affairs of clouds
and the irony that there is
such darkness in lofty places
where all of life abounds.
BUT, do not find your meaning,
worth, or wisdom in judging soil or sky.
Instead find it within,
in a space so sacred
that nothing can corrupt or touch its integrity.
The minute we start comparing miseries
we lose our way
because everything has it’s resolve
and one rose’s dilemma
or sunflower’s challenge
is the marigold’s chance to evolve.
Our realities are unequal,
whether meadow, vase, or bed.
Because we are based in consciousness
and not literal or external instead.
We meet our adversaries
as shadows of our unconscious.
Contrast is how we differentiate.
Opposites are natural, organic, and necessary.
The only thing you need
other than irrigation
is to take responsibility for
your vibration.
In this you are like the bees
who oft mistake blades of grass for succulent trees.
Don’t miss the forest for them.
Or what you fear will take the lead.
Shadows are darkened by your source of light
only to be enhanced each and every night!
They may seem alarming, even insurmountable.
But like the bee, they are illusory.
Life is the plight of the peony.
The peony is it’s own poem.
No poet should explain a poem.
How does one deduce a flower?
You can only reduce it in an hour.
A flower is here
for such subtle and illogical reasons.
It is here for its own sake.
It’s texture, smells, and colors so ample,
they reveal themselves to our senses
but once explained, are trampled.
You are a flowering, dear Lily.
You are not here for a reason.
You are a collection of qualities.
You are not here to solve
the lamentations of the rose.
You can empathize, yes,
but do not glower.
When life creates an inferiority
it also grows a flower.
Your fate is in your petals.
Do not feel so victimized.
Stop identifying growing up and old
with helplessness and demise
just because you see others
wilting all around you.
Be your own version
of everything you hold dear.
Be bright red…or glorious yellow.
Embody what you cherish.
You need
only bloom to defy your gloom;
an art that has never perished.
an art that has never perished.
Peter Valentyne
February 28, 2019