Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Necessary Angel

I make you at night
where I move inside
the mystery unabated,
where everything speaks
yet nothing is sayable;
I make you
neither a him 
nor a her
so we can 
love each other.

Vertigo proceeds 
every glimpse of you.
It’s as if 
there is always a flight
of stares between us.
Your presence so 
full of rarified air, that
being with you
necessitates a fall.

On every arrival
you can't help but
take my place. 
You inhabit me.
You wear me,
even as our lives lay
like strewn clothing,
the only trace of myself,
a cherished debris.

Closing our eyes
we intend to go together
like snow melting slowly
by moonlight,
you who loathe
both past and future
but live life
while others sleep.
We are that abstract
and so impermanent.
Except that 
I will never forget you
and will not leave
without you
in my heart. 

Peter Valentyne
February 27, 2019

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