Friday, January 4, 2019

Second Skin
(for Ellen, in memory of Jim Marentic)

If what is essential
is invisible to the eye,
then the Beloved is 
everywhere you look;
his obscurity,
the very
proof of him.

A lifetime
spent looking forward
to seeing that face
now has you
glancing backwards
for the slightest

Don’t underestimate
your being
versed in transformation,
daily witnessing
his language
devolve into it’s own
foreign tongue.
you learned to speak
his music,
becoming fluent
in drawing down
aloof heights.

He, as they,
are always attempting
 to tell us
something significant
even as
their words break apart
like strings of dark pearls
billiard ball and atom-like…
If only my fingertips
could feel you forever
snug in my pocket.

Now you are saving
your lover’s place
in this new dream,
connected by a more finer
thread than any
spider could compose.

Here, his
music is a map
to him.
You follow his notes
like a trail
of confetti,
angelic footprints
tread through flour.
Dusting for prints, 
you long for a snowman,
the weight of which
stands always on your heart;
an elephant 
un-willing to leave this room
without you.

You alone
were my fate,
my disaster, my opus,
my crux, my cross, my joy,
my journey, my sustenance,
my second skin.

Peter Valentyne

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