Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Reformation

“How disquieting it is to feel, 
how troubling to think, how vain to want!”  
                            ~Fernando Pessoa

I must let myself happen.
But I construct anyway
everything I can.
Days do not add up 
to anything lengthwise.
My only measure is vertical.

I can’t make happiness
by wanting it. I must
surrender to 
what I can’t make happen.
Live with myself without it,
or you, or the certainty of others.

This moment is a crucible,
I have two choices:
Accept or invent.
How to make love with
absentia? How to make
peace with the fleeting
impermanence of 
everything I was.

My heart is muscular,
my mind, not so much.
Everything I do is to
escape a tyranny:
mine or another’s.
I am an immigrant
in my own country;
a country of constructs.

I make my deconstruction
taut, and without sentiment.
In order to take in
the most that I can,
I am a drum…
hollow, without strings,
aligned with the heartbeat
of my God.

Peter Valentyne

January 22, 2019

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