Tuesday, March 31, 2020


I wake homesick 
for another world,
even as 
yet another world 
let itself in
via the t.v.
to taunt me,
both Trojan horse
cave of shadows,
trotting out
it’s patter-song 
of brutal banalities.
I vow 
to make a pyre.

Outside, the cold 
clamors to get in
as I lie threatening
to push the bed 
up against the door
like a junked cradle 
that bringeth
no comfort.

After last night
I've become determined 
to ignore everything
that is not me
and give the memory
of you
my full attention.
But you 
fade so fast.
 How can I keep
you with me
when even my
own name is
no more than
a makeshift mask
barely concealing 
the sins
of the world
as my own, if 
only by osmosis.

I yearn to learn
the life-saving
 art of overlooking,
but out of
what troubling
Un-prepared to 
take on the burden
of too much 
I wrest
and dis-own my own
 mercurial evidence.

I confess I
prefer my trials
under the cover 
of night 
where I can
 be blameless,
free from the bondage 
of belongings,
I am
the smoking gun
of my own longing.

By living a nightlife
made of
knee-jerk reactions,
a collective psyche 
is hardly a tyranny 
I can count on 
waking from.

After giving 
this morning
the ole’ college try, 
I end up crying
while doing crunches,
an un-arranged marriage
between my
weakness and strength.
No, this is how
I build the stamina
to see you again.

Had no angel
appeared last night
let alone
replete in a tattered 
wife beater
with the words 
emblazoned across it’s chest,
(in white cotton
no less!),
I might never
 have known 
we were married.

By making love
with a phantom,
I’ve come to accept
my body’s weeping.
True, my mornings are
versed in mourning,
all because of our
reversed metamorphosis
by way of a dream; and
the inevitable evaporation 
of your wings.

Peter Valentyne
2020 in the year of Corona

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