Thursday, April 25, 2019

It All Started When
I Left Myself Behind

I would wake up exhausted.
Every morning
the same start.
Without realizing it 
I’d grown used 
to being in pain.
I didn’t expect joy
in the morning.

That said, I functioned.
My days were defined
by a series of duties.
I made myself useful
to my neighbors needs.
And my own.
I wanted to.

My feet hurt 
when I walked.
I needed to tell someone.
My doctor asked me if I
felt depressed.
I said no.
I really did’nt.

And so I began to let go.
How many were days left?
There was no way to know.
But I was more alive
than ever before.
I am love.
I am supernatural.
I am a sky
without clouds.
I have messages.

My nature is beauty.
My cinema is poetry,
a soil for flowering.
I have something
for everyone I meet.
Life out of dying.
Please take it.
It’s yours.

At last I am human.
So long in coming.
Life was a misunderstanding.
I thought it was for me.
When in fact,
it was for leaving
myself behind.

Peter Valentyne
An April of flowering, the 25th, 2019

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