Thursday, November 8, 2018

 March 13, 2018 8:37 AM

Outside my window the snow is signaling me to surrender.
Outside my window, the snow furiously signals its surrender.
Outside the window, a snow fearlessly fulfills its nature, mocking mine.
Behind a boundary of glass, the snow challenges my artful nature.
On the other side of the glass, snow mocks our man-made world.
Outside, the falling snow insists upon its memory of molecules.
Here, behind glass, the snow’s morose code fails to reach me.
At the window I see only this silent snow that cannot make contact.
Behind this glass, the snow is slowly erasing the world.
Standing at the window, I know the snow cannot find me.
With a mind made of snow, I re-think the snowman.
Outside a window, snow is falling.

Peter Valentyne
March 2018

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