Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Curators

Perhaps because we insist 
on curating our lives
so thoroughly, the gods 
mischievous glee
in having their way with us nightly.
Ever unprepared for inert travels
chockfull of unchosen companions,
if not accomplices
referendums of former follies
are foisted on us
via a tideless flotsam.

Insisting on realities equal to our 
labored, yet effortless 
manipulation of days, 
twin equilibriums
cannot, will not
be kept at bay.

No doubt our desiring
a good death
is cause to agree 
to such adventures
in which we are thrust
into elliptical episodes
we’ve no business
being apart from.

Since finding a way
to speak for all of us
through nights of reckless poetry,
perhaps these poems are pulpits
for redressing 
the many gods
we ignored
by failing to hoard.

Peter Valentyne
November 2018

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