Thursday, November 8, 2018

How to Clean

This is my work:
making love visible.
If released into a
ravenous beast’s
littered lair
I would rest
it’s wound
in my lap.
That takes 

If I could devise
my own desire, it would be 
to exist without coveting.
It takes
muscularity of both 
mind and body
to polish
sentimental bones.

I am a caretaker
for the un-cared for.
Making order
out of chaos
is how my heart
it’s intelligence.

Others collect artifacts
that gather like
thoughts over time.
But I am no jumble.
My heart has no
need for artifacts,
rather a
fortitude that restores
this world.

That is what try to do:
Go on loving the things
that are desirable
only until they are owned.
My care
can make them
 new again.

Peter Valentyne
January 2018

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