Monday, September 13, 2021


Time Passes and Other Fables

Lying in my bed before being 

dismantled by morning light,

I untangle myself from a thousand lies.

None of them mine. 

Dispensing with maps & calendars

I do what every dreamer does, 

defy the horizontal

for more vertical climbs. 

My best thoughts arrive

as a mockery of assumptions.

Awakening will involve

seeing my confusion more clearly.

Every night an egg dispenses with it’s shell.

Dreams, even the most casual ones, inseminate.

This bit of earth, of land, of space,

is not a confessional.

It’s a crucible. I clear away debris 

hoping for a glimpse of your face 

peering out from some felonious past;

an actor awaiting an entrance 

that may never come.

What are you waiting for, 

when we both still have 

so many lines left unspoken?

But the man I was, you were,

 has fallen away

and the one we’re to be 

has taken his rightful place

as if we were a story 

the other meant to tell.

I am a discarded philosophy,

an abandoned body

requiring a re-thinking 

in order to return

my heart to its original chaos.

So let us be strangers who agree on the same truth,

and as time passes, we’ll move on to other fables.


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