Monday, March 22, 2021


                       "Spiral Staircase" by Paul Wright



a Staircase

“I am my own muse,

the subject I know best.” 

               ~Frida Kahlo


all we’ve

learned will

have to

be forgotten.

Even you have

grown weary of 

passing the time

suspended in a sky 

of anonymous stars.

Don’t you fear appearing

hopelessly antediluvian?

You are

a paradox; 

an all-seeing pupil

as cloudy

as a cataract.

You could be

mistaken for

a balding judge

for want of

a powdered wig, 

when in fact

you make a

perfect muse.

In two weeks

you will be 


Your nightly progress

tracking our

whereabouts by

a homing device

buried within

every heart,

registering quakes

thump by thump

by thump.


at last you


from the safety 

of your vast ceiling

to perch in

the branches

of a yew tree;

silver oval owl


the sky

for lesser climbs,

as if you knew 

Van Gogh

was right: 


spirals downward

toward what's lowly.

So why not 


yourself by

lying low?

You, who’ve

never needed

to take me 

(just another


in your

revolving hub),


have traveled


to see me

as I am.

My casual


hardly proving

us unrelated,

you will find 

us both

on a journey



Seeing is 

believing you are

not too faraway

to follow 

me home,

let alone

hover over

every phase

of life,

even when 

you go


you manage 

to go on

pulling the tides


your cheek

with a lover’s


Thank heavens

you haven't 

any smile

because your

mouth could

never justify

curling upward

over so much


If nature

is ironic,

we have

no answers.

So why 

do I

still want to 

climb closer 

to your 

pale face

and scrawl

my name

on the



of your


In the end,

I may discover

it was

your distance

that kept

us close

all along.

That way

you could 

be sure

I would never

outgrow you.

March 22nd, 2021

1 comment:

W. Nixon said...

Peter! Another beautiful poem! The Moon is like a Guardian Angel. Guiding us. Protecting us. Watching over us. Keeping a guarded and calculated distance for our betterment and growth. I felt like I was there in that mystical and exciting galaxy where the Moon resides. The Moon was very personified, full of feelings and emotions, which was extremely interesting to me. I embraced the colors, the rhythm and the beautiful music. I understood the Moon’s logic. Many times in life, to truly love and guide someone, or, something, effectively, without prejudice, it becomes necessary to do so at a distance, objectively, not allowing subjective emotions to cloud our better judgement, which, is not an easy task and is not always understood by all, albeit, the good and noble intentions that stem from the core. Beautiful! Peter, your writing is continuously growing and expanding, always profound, and deep, with clarity always in the forefront. Again, Bravo and Congratulations on another outstanding piece of Art! 👏✍️