Tuesday, January 5, 2021


The Purpose of Trying Times

When the intelligence you’ve made your God fails you.

Trade your cleverness for bewilderment

and know awe.

When circumstances appear dire and immovable.

You have painted yourself into the corner 

of a room without walls.

When you discover your “things” cannot save you.

Understand that the art of choosing 

is only half of the history of choice.

When pride in yourself is shaken by personal loss.

It becomes possible to awaken to spirit over matter.

When faith in your fellow man feels misplaced.

Know that the greatest strength worth having 

comes from within.

When all you pinned your hopes on fails.

You’ve reduced the meaning and purpose 

of life to autobiography.

When expectations do not yield results hoped for.

Lower them and see what wonders arise.

When all you want to do is scream.

Go ahead and cry for what you want like a baby,

then prepare to grow wise.

When life seems so unfair you think there is no justice.

Know that karmic justice is often invisible to the eye.

When you think no one can help and nothing can be done.

Realize the ability to observe without evaluating 

is a step toward self-reliance.

When life seems to gradually take all you cherish away.

You may see the shadow of sentimentality 

conceals a cruelty towards oneself and others.

When you haven’t enough energy to muster a smile.

Say a prayer of gratitude for anything.

When you believe society around you is slowly collapsing.

Become a pillar or cornerstone on the inside.

When you can’t find love within or without.

Perhaps you’ve mislabeled a honey pot

for a jar of poison. 

When you feel so vulnerable you fear for your safety.

You’re right where the universe wants you: 

awake and aware.

Peter Valentyne

January 5th, 2020


W. Nixon said...

Peter, Wow! What a deep, profound, meaningful and uplifting poem, particularly during these trying and testing times in the midst of a major Pandemic and the current political climate, domestically and globally. Of paramount importance, is the knowledge that strength, love and wisdom come from within each individual, which, fuels the mind, body, soul and spirit. If allowed, this fuel propels each individual to forge forward despite obstacles that might be encountered. We “do” have a say in regards to shaping our Destiny. Knowing that I am not alone in this belief, during the good times and during the sometimes challenging, disturbing and disappointing times, is a comfort. In this poem, hope and soul searching ring brilliantly through, with the added dimension of the possibility of moving out of ones comfort zone and into the opening of a brand new and exciting world of experiences that might not have otherwise been considered, which, translates into individual growth. Further, this poem made my day and has given me added courage to continue to look deep within myself, to explore and to make the concerted attempt to rise and soar to new heights and levels in efforts to become a better, more enlightened, more loving and more giving human being. And, in my quest, do my very best, in my own way, to make the world a better and more loving place for all to live, grow, shine and soar, internally and externally. Thank you, Peter, and I look forward to your next poem! 👏 W. Nixon

davidg43@rcn.com said...

A wonderful poem, Peter: wise, insightful, and consoling in the best way possible. Your admonitions are right on point. A poetic sermon to help us awaken to deeper truths. David G.