Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Mud Heart

In the early morning hours
coming to 
from a fitful dream,
I am never
more innocent
than when asleep,
my personality laid aside
on the chair
by the bed,
just another piece
of clothing,
my face flaccid 
as a drained balloon
like an old man’s tattoo.
In only my underwear;
the trunks of a tired swimmer 
flailing in sea-blue sheets.
Before I resume operating
the spiffy dummy 
that mouths
my sentiments
pretending to be me,
answering to my name.
Before I become the mind’s
heartless accomplice,
before the imposition 
of self rule
sets in,
before the shame arises,
before the kindness kicks in,
before the mirror measures me
to corroborate that
I am 
who I claim 
I am,
before my body 
reminds me
I am older 
than ever before,
before I hoist my hair’s
pale flag of reluctant surrender,
before the light of day
exposes my spiffy dummy
to the 3rd degree…
I had a dream,
a dream 
that will matter
to no one
but me.
A dream 
destined to be  
swallowed whole
by the
fractious, fictitious facts
of the light of day.
How much more alone
can anyone be?
That said 
or asked,
the last thing 
I remember
is a stranger handing
me a heart 
made out of 
still wet, 
still malleable,
generously given
to show me 
I can still 
be loved.

Peter Valentyne
August 4th, 2019

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