Sunday, August 11, 2019

Reflection in a Golden Eye
(for Ward's Piper)

Though you are not mine,
holding you, I hold myself.
How has this happened?
Dearest of youthful 
cream-colored cats,
I am old and yet
I see myself in you.
I feel myself in you.
I remember myself in you.
Is it merely that
I’ve known from experience
your supple innocence?
You are the definition of adorable;
precisely how I managed 
to stay alive;
otherwise, who would have cared
what happened to me?
My own adoption not withstanding,
my place in the world 
was without hierarchy.
Our blondness is as mythological 
as endless youth,
both precious and mineral. 

Your feeble pre-verbal speech,
reminds me of life
before words absorbed joy.
I wonder what you are thinking
when you’re left alone?
You, who are as curious 
about everything as nothing.
You are a prayer
on four lithe paws
blessing this quiet room
with your fierce watchfulness.
What do you make of a world
where you are so ill-equipped
to be anything other than
you are?
I fear you are
at the mercy of everything,
as you meet disaster
with the same curiosity
as delight.
For that alone
I adore you.

Peter Valentyne
August 11, 2019

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