Saturday, May 18, 2019

Psychology of 
an Aching Body

Your mind ought be 
an over-thrown dictatorship 
if you’re to be 
any good
to anyone.

Your heart must plot 
to re-establish
a more tender 

Your face wants 
a life of it’s own,
let’s face it.
Given to coercing 
the hands
to do a more
purposeful bidding, 
as hands can do 
save live a life 
of their own.

Your face flies 
it’s tattered flag
declaring your 
countries intentions;
it’s betrayal of truth,
a hapless art.

Your legs craving travel
remain pale slaves
to the feet which
favor the lesser
of water,
as if reduced
to doves stunned
out of flight.

All the while
the mouth rehearses
its memories
of a kiss,
wanting yet another
chance to go slower;
the starving slug
of it’s own
nocturnal kingdom.
Addicted to confession
and connecting, 
the most loving
mouth leaves
a sticky trail 
of longing.

Your heart, a sacred cow
buried in an open field,
a carcass destined to
feed the hungry;
it’s brokenness 
gives all who
approach it

Your nose lives 
by remembering
the essence of daisies
and dung.
The great categorizer,
the nostrils operate
with aloof efficiency,
uncategorically aware 
that smells
are life itself.

The penis, reduced
to living 
under wraps,
generating it’s own
mythic mystique
like a Garbo 
continuously lured
from retirement,
cherished by 
so many for it’s 
way with weeping.

Your hair, if any;
an evidence 
of life after death,
dust from the scalp,
holographic by nature
a stretch of sand
certain angels 
have tread
in hopes of being

Peter Valentyne
May 26th, 2019

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