Monday, April 8, 2019


“Why is it that when you wake to the world 
of realities you nearly always feel,
sometimes very vividly, that the vanished
dream has carried with it some enigma
which you failed to solve?”
                     ~Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Time is not horizontal,
if anything, its vertical.
Everything is happening
in a circular world,
perception is an onion.
Rising above
and going within
are not 
measured by distance.
Forget the perversion 
of the forward,
reject the seduction
of the backward.
Awareness is vertical.

Nothing is achieved
by racing toward it.
Only standing still
and becoming aware
of what is.

Learn the language of dreams
where distance is meaningless.
Consciousness is a spiral stairway
leading only to here.
When are you elsewhere?
Yesterday is a fever dream
and tomorrow is a fable.

Time is a contagion of the mind.
A mysterious illness
only a poet can translate.
Poetry as diagnosis.
Only night returns us 
to our natural state.
Day is for dreamers.
Night is for 
practitioners of soul.
Here, logic disowns you.
There is no distraction
from feeling everything.

We only think up
adventures for our bodies
to pretend they have
a life of their own.

Our basement 
has a basement,
let’s face it.
Beneath the shadowy stairs
like the shadow 
of a shadow;
someone has to 
go down there.

Let the one who hurts 
the most go,
the one who feels his way
through darkness
by believing in the light.
Someone who can befriend
the neglected & rejected ones
even when they bite.

I’ll go, 
tethered to a thread.
You needn’t yank me out.
I will keep my head instead.

I’ll go.
With my faith’s sunny detachment,
like a wise fool who can’t tell
a compliment from condemnation.
This way,
if I turn the other cheek
I can rest the monster in my lap.

Peter Valentyne
April 8th, 2019

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