Sunday, November 11, 2018

My Sheikh is the Moon
“Don’t look for water, be thirsty.”
One look into my eyes and he knew
I live on the furthest shores of love.
In my last three dreams
I dreamt of water.
A rogue wave washed over
our little house on the beach.
Rain filled me up like an empty cup.
Dead fish came to life.
I bowed so low, another lover’s
tears made their way to me.
Every day
he sees I am
growing more simple.
Soon I will be
no more than
a beautiful idiot
panting in the sun;
Being is the only beauty.
But for now
I lie awake
trying to unite
the mysteries of night
with the mathematics of day.
This shore,
like every shore,
is a path littered with
bric-a-brac from a conflicted sea
giving and taking successively.
Night is the water I swim in.
By day…. I float face up
while everyone else
appears to live
the other way round.
My sheikh is the moon.
He prickles my skin
with stray starlight;
a resolute rain.
He watches over me
for I am the water
his face reflects in.
We are that intimate.
Peter Valentyne
January 2011

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