This furious snow
is a creation myth;
raw energy dancing
in an animal eye,
milk thistle white
gone to seed,
blown by the breath
of a giddy God.
February 19th, 2021
Some Call It Sleep
Every night I fall asleep at the controls.
and that’s when I really go places.
Every night I’m kidnapped and taken
against my will to an undisclosed location.
Every night everything happens to me
when I can’t help but only do nothing.
Every night the paint flies off the canvas
leaving me to recollect it’s colors by heart.
Every night what happens at night stays
in the night like the negatives of lost photos.
Every night I slip the bonds of my body
and head South of no North all alone.
Every night I take off my name
and leave my license on the nightstand.
Every night I find a moth in my shorts
beating its wings at the same rate as my heart.
Every night I close the book that is me
and read the history of what never happens.
Every night I toss and turn and in so doing
spark a flint beneath the kindling of my body.
Every night I pretend to die a good death
rehearsing by the light of fictional stars.
Every night I say a prayer but never say Amen
so that tomorrow will begin and end in devotion.
February 17, 2021
A Portrait of the Artist
As an Antibody
“There are no others.”
~Ramana Maharshi
I don’t want to die
only to wake up
and realize
I didn’t really know
who I was
or where I
left off.
Let alone
where I am
Who among us
feels it would
be impossible
to forget
such constructed
a reality,
or to never
have known
we were
every idea
begins it’s life
as a germ.
All that striving
and wanting,
and hunger,
then suddenly
the mirror
admits a
Couldn’t I have
just been glad
to be alive?
What ever caused
that feeling
of nothing being
ever enough?
Had I
thought to
lie still and listen
to the machinations
of the world
as it
simply happened
on it’s own accord
without re-making it
into an image
for and of
my own
maybe I
could have
myself from
the beginning.
What did I
not have that
I felt
so without,
and what if
in the end
that’s what
an illness was for;
to teach us how
to stop needing
to make things
As if we had
to behold a thing
in order for
it to be real;
all becoming
had needed us.
As Rumi wrote:
our looking
ripens things.
We all have neighbors
who are pirates
and some who are
I, who am
a neighbor myself
and who
cannot find God
and have no idea
who I am
in relation to Godliness
or where to look
to find you
have come to believe
we must look
straight into
each other.
What if I took
to serving others,
whether as penance,
or simply wanting
to make myself
Maybe God would
notice me if I
were to do
one good thing
for my neighbor
if only
I could camouflage
my doing.
What if one day
I were to let
the wind
dictate my direction,
and dare to
be choice-less,
though that be
a choice in itself.
One sole day.
Not to choose.
Not to shape
what I give.
Not to cry
for what I want.
To put another first
whether I believe
in them or not.
To witness
without evaluating.
Then just maybe
I could
learn to live
at last
on a microbe
greater than
the circumference
of myself.
February 15th, 2021
After the vaccination I lay on the sofa
tracing the path of your injected germ
planted like an insidious thought inside me.
I was Alicia Hubberman from Notorious
languishing in a dark room waiting to die.
“They’re poisoning me,” I said to myself.
I know its foolish, but shots are triggering.
I had managed to avoid getting a flu shot
my entire adult life. Now I feel bitten, not
unlike the act of being raped in bright light,
fluorescents, in fact, and in front of others.
Couldn’t they see I was just a boy?
Snake bite, hornet sting, serrated dagger.
My castle has been penetrated and now
the enemy is within my walls plotting
my demise from behind every capillary.
So this is how I am to be gotten rid of.
I was the boy that pleaded for a pill
the size of a bullet, rather than be punctured.
I would swallow poison not to be stabbed
with so narrow a needle that my cells cry
out screaming in sheer expectation of it’s sting.
My blood stream flows everything toward my heart.
Even now I feel a sentence racing through my veins,
its cryptic message a fate my body must translate.
A sidewinder flicking its black tongue beneath my skin.
Now inside, I can’t fight you without fighting myself.
I have let the enemy in and have been
trespassed by a mercenary bullet-shaped worm
as if I ‘d been forced to eat a maggot
who’s mission is to multiply, swallowing me alive.
I feel my skeleton ache like a despairing heart.
Why should this chaste duel have no love at stake?
There is no expelling you now,
no way to suck you out of my system.
I am bit and slowly tainted by your genetics.
They tell me I will live past this attempted murder,
That something in me will find the will to rally.
With your offspring inside me programmed to kill,
my very own D-day may finally be at hand.
You who are the bite of a recluse spider
whose sperm is aimed at my heart’s mandala,
how will I live with you as my captor?
No longer entirely myself, and at the mercy
of an unseen invader, we assemble our arsenals.
It’s not enough to know who will kill who.
Inside my heart my army gathers.
February 8th, 2021
How to
-for Marion D
The moment we sleep
the snow reverses
and falls upwards
unburying all
we thought was
here and gone.
How do we dare
to live without
the Beloved,
when we are
too alone
not to return
to ourselves?
At night
we are
the other,
with all
try bringing
an inconceivable
awareness to every
ordinary exchange,
but even
with the words
long gone,
the urgency
Someone ought
to come from
the future
to warn us, no,
inform us:
There is no time!
We are
with one foot
on dry land
and the other
dipping it’s toe
into the
snowy stream
of a flurry of stars.
At least you will
still have
why not
make use
of the Beloved's
by becoming
like a yogi
more awake?
Of course
we’re dreaming
gives us
an edge.
It begs
the question:
When or where
does one stop
so as to learn
how best
to move on?
That would
explain why
in every
dream it feels
we are
for simply
two places
at one time.
Last night I tried
waking you.
“Can’t you see
I’m here!”
I said, so
close to your
face I felt
fractured weather
and you mine.
Existing like we do
in the stew
of alI we are,
and full
at the same
what if it
to reassemble
pure wonder,
if we make
of our molecules
an unimagined
that is?
With most of life
behind us,
of course
we feel
the loss
of a dream
like a limb.
Oh, but
for it to
to regain
use again.
On the
other side,
are a cruelty
as they
can’t help
but taunt
us with
the absence
of their beauty.
I refuse to
live life
in such
a stalemate!
Don’t leave me
like a husk,
barely alive
yet unsheathed,
drying by sunlight
like a starfish pinned
to a board,
all five points
a nod to
the Beloved
twice removed
from the
same sea.
Such amputations
forge us into
new avenues.
We’ll want to
make use of
this world again
even if we
have to live
by trying.
Peter Valentyne
February 1st, 2021