Sunday, June 2, 2019


Will the poem please rise.

(The poem stands, holds
up right hand)
Do you agree to tell the truth,
the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth, so help you

“If allowed to be myself.”

It’s come to the attention
of this court that you
will be representing
your case
and giving unsolicited
testimony in opposition
to the standard norm
as you seem to suffer
from a form of autism,
an inability to hold
your own at table.

I do not suffer autism,
rather, I speak in tongues;
the language of

Is it true that you are the
sole witness to a murder
in which a body
has yet to be found?

“I myself am murdered
on a daily basis
as my existence
no longer
causes a stir.”

Is it true you can never be
sure what you saw
but can make your feelings known
via magnetic refrigerator verse
and a Scrabble of nouns
and verbs that you
have claimed as the last
vestige for honesty?

“I am a consciousness
in recovery, your honor.”

Is it also true that you are
incapable of the literal
and choose only to think
with your heart?

“I find facts too unfeeling.”

It says here that you are
incapable of lying
as truth is always
what you refer to
as “said feeling.

“A poem has no reason to lie.
 Nor will you reason me away.”

How is it that you are able
to testify from inside your body
when, in fact, you only have life
to those who gaze upon you?

“To ease the burden
of my gift for knowing,
I wait to be loved.”

Does this odd cadence
of yours
assist you
in remembering?

“My way of speaking
is my crux for change.”

How so? You might please
the court by giving us
an example.

“Money spends us.”
Surely you can be more explicit.

“I am not a bill of goods.”

It states here that
on cross examination
you were able to
make use of
time travel to trace
the very first ring
you purchased with your
allowance earned by
mowing lawns and carrying
your father’s golf clubs
at a local Country Club.
I believe it was
during a side trip
to see “The Mystery Spot”,
where you say it was
actually possible
to roll a ball uphill.
It says here that it was
off highway I-75 that your
family’s blue Buick struck
and killed a deer.
Was that in fact, the first time
you saw a thing die?

“I don’t curry in facts, but
I’ve seen myself die
many times.”

Come now, you can’t say
such a thing so blithely
when you stand before
this court so clearly
evidence to the contrary.

“I am never contrary.”

Allow me to press you further.
It’s written here that this
incident with the deer
led to a protracted puberty
spent practicing witchcraft,
a kind of latent sorcery.

“I am helpless to be
anything other than
the sum total of my
own ramifications.”

Do you pretend to be so elliptical
that you find it unnecessary
to explain yourself to the satisfaction
of this court? Would you dare to be
so un-bold as to be

“My hidden talent is for playing
dead by the side of the road.”

Then your words are less
than antidotal.

“I am con to your prose.
I am more antidote.
Therefore, you are
the blasphemy.”

I would address this court
with more respect. It is not your
place to file complaint.

“Poetry never complains.
If it’s any good.”

What else does poetry never do,
I’d be remiss not to ask?

(The poem begins to shed it’s garments.)

“I make no judgments
of those who observe me.
I pass no illnesses, nor carry germs.
I don’t gossip and never name names.
I won’t ask your age
or make small talk.
I never condemn the other.”

Go on, then.

“I am a gorgeously open-minded
corpse more than willing to be
lingered over by a cabal
of curious strangers.
I am a translator of spirit
and a vehicle for space travel,
inner and outer.
I am a vessel for relinquished
I am both chaff and wheat,
I am the ache to be whole.
A uniter of friends and enemies.
I am after all willing to stand
before you naked and shivering
stripped to the essential thing
for your callous inspection.
Don’t you see
I am naked before you, madams
and sirs!!”

You do well to unburden yourself.

“I can disentangle your prides
and dismantle your fears
because I can make them mine.
I can lance a wound.
I can mix the blood of both
victim and perpetrator
and hold up a mirror
to your mirror and glimpse infinity.
I dare say you are a know-it-all.

“I can get to the bottom of things,
show you what might go wrong
in cleaving to the literal and material
at the expense of the sacred.”

Then I suspect you are a force
to be reckoned with. Whatever
are we to conclude of you?

“Wedge me in a bottle
and cast me out to sea.
Go on living your lives
of logic and accumulation.
I will not be added to your
chaos of clutter.
I demand you embrace my
utter lack of utility.
I am guilty, your honor.
Do with me what you will,
only let me testify
to the astonishment
of having once been
and inexplicably

The defense rests.”

Peter Valentyne
June 2nd, 2019

Thursday, May 30, 2019


If we come to find
something wrong
with every fellow 
man we meet,
what are we
to ask ourselves?
What constitutes
turned so 
It seems to me
there are
two kinds of wrong.
One endearing,
and the other 
I’ve sifted through
myself for
which is which.
The endearing wrong
is rooted in experience,
misfortune, origin.
It is beyond
one’s control.
The defeating wrong,
I’m afraid,
is a confluence 
of ego, mind,
a refusal
of responsibility
for one’s own 
an imbalance
that in breaking
the circle
maims the flower.
How could a daisy
love you not?
If a circle 
made of
can summon
the dead,
mine is a beauty
fashioned from

And so I’ve begun 
to notice things
that weep,
or appear to weep.
Acacia trees letting go
of their pink petals,
the condensation 
from a steel pipe,
a sky too full
of rain.

What if
no longer
need to be
Would I
be free?

With a youthful body
beyond my reach
I’m no longer 
by beauty;
a standard
I can’t meet.
Happiness is
a grace
after all.
No longer
a target,
too nuanced
for arrows;
I am more 
with a sun
at it’s center.

My son had a breakdown,”
said the woman
with a bee keeper-like
sun bonnet.
She hovered over 
my deck chair
where I’d come 
with my book of poetry
so as not to appear
simply sun-seeking.
Her shadow 
superseded me
as she came closer
and added tentatively,
But he’s better now.”
Her absence
of self assurance
unsettled me.
I immediately wanted
to know more
but contained my
tinged by a purple
half smile.
I always feel 
more than I show.
My son had a breakdown.
But he’s better now.
Her words rang in my brain
 a broken cathedral bell.
How am I better now?
I wondered.
What is this
miraculous recuperation 
one sentence away from
my own 
asymmetric harrow?

I outlasted beauty.
I am an abstract 
painting on the wall
in a museum 
depicting someone
who loved
more than himself;
stolen by Nazis,
and displayed
as proof
of my heart’s

Peter Valentyne
May 29th, 2019

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Crawling Eye
(A Fifties Monster)

Fear is it’s arsenal.
It wants to take your place.
It’s planet is Mercury.
It needs a history.

It does not know itself;
Save through you.
It’s country is a shadow
in the space
in which all things happen.

It arrives in a blanket
of fog to disable
your defenses. 
It has no politics
or religion,
no belief system.

It need only
feed off your memories
to amuse itself. 
It has stars in it’s eyes.
It wants you to make

It likes you lonely
because it is lonely.
It collects.
It obeys no logic.
It will do anything 
for you.
It wants to appear good.

It is always acting.
When it isn’t acting,
it can wait indefinitely.
If you resist,
it can be patient.
It can’t live on it’s own.

Your death gives it wings.
It wants you crippled,
anesthetized on a table.
Reacting won’t give it
what it needs.
It wants response.

This is how it measures you.
You must do more
than connect it’s dots;
it will produce your enemies
to better understand you.

It is insidious.
It lives by lulling
so it can study you,
where you are vulnerable,
it becomes vulnerable too.
But it is not vulnerable.

It likes to cry
and craves your tears.
It is extremely sentimental.
It sings when it is hurt;
a song of celebration 
and mourning.

It wants to know more,
yet there is no end
to it’s knowing.
It wants to know 
what you know.

It hates itself. 
it would not need you.

It likes to comfort you
but it cannot comfort.
It’s comforting is all for show.
It wants you to need it.

It will do anything for you;
even die beside you.
You cannot get away from it
even by killing yourself.
It will go with you.

It feeds on your fear.
Fear draws it to you.
It cannot love itself.

It loves to trade 
it’s talents
gladly for yours.
It admires 
what you can do.
It wants your story.

It is endlessly curious
and all-seeing.
It wants in for a look around.
Once in
it goes through your things.
Nothing is missed.
But it leaves droppings.
That’s how you know.

It wants you to want.
It’s outlook is pessimistic.
It shows you darkness
but pretends to bring light;
two darks don’t make a light.

It finds out your sins
one by one;
this is how it eats.
It is never without hunger.

It loves everything you do.
It wants to do them with you
for twice the fun.
But make no mistake:
It gives only to take.

It has no transcendence.
It knows only wanting
and it’s emptiness 
must be filled.

It has tried to meditate
but it gets nothing.
And nothing won’t do.

If you are lonely
you may not resist.
If you have fortitude,
It will try and break in.
It doesn’t lose interest,
easily entertaining itself
while it waits.

Through your resistance
it knows you.
Resistance makes a muscle.
Resistance draws it down.
Your muscle is it’s food.

Save yourself.

Peter Valentyne
May 25th, 2019

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Psychology of 
an Aching Body

Your mind ought be 
an over-thrown dictatorship 
if you’re to be 
any good
to anyone.

Your heart must plot 
to re-establish
a more tender 

Your face wants 
a life of it’s own,
let’s face it.
Given to coercing 
the hands
to do a more
purposeful bidding, 
as hands can do 
save live a life 
of their own.

Your face flies 
it’s tattered flag
declaring your 
countries intentions;
it’s betrayal of truth,
a hapless art.

Your legs craving travel
remain pale slaves
to the feet which
favor the lesser
of water,
as if reduced
to doves stunned
out of flight.

All the while
the mouth rehearses
its memories
of a kiss,
wanting yet another
chance to go slower;
the starving slug
of it’s own
nocturnal kingdom.
Addicted to confession
and connecting, 
the most loving
mouth leaves
a sticky trail 
of longing.

Your heart, a sacred cow
buried in an open field,
a carcass destined to
feed the hungry;
it’s brokenness 
gives all who
approach it

Your nose lives 
by remembering
the essence of daisies
and dung.
The great categorizer,
the nostrils operate
with aloof efficiency,
uncategorically aware 
that smells
are life itself.

The penis, reduced
to living 
under wraps,
generating it’s own
mythic mystique
like a Garbo 
continuously lured
from retirement,
cherished by 
so many for it’s 
way with weeping.

Your hair, if any;
an evidence 
of life after death,
dust from the scalp,
holographic by nature
a stretch of sand
certain angels 
have tread
in hopes of being

Peter Valentyne
May 26th, 2019