Monday, July 22, 2024


My Art is a Phoenix

And so it is that in the history of art,
the great work arises 
from the ashes
of loss, tragedy, and sorrow.

Art begins as an ache.
When was good art
ever made from happiness?
Who works when they’re happy?
So, this is our dilemma:
How to make art
and still know happiness?

To sit and contemplate
a leaf, a rock, a cloud,
it is possible to commune
with what is
without an intermediary.
Like pure cinema’s
return to its 
elemental origins,
such simplicity feels
nothing less
than avant-garde.

But this world is the history
of creativity.
Whether an artist or not,
all men and women
are entrusted with the task
of crafting their own life,
to make of it
 a work of art.

An artist is possessed
and completely diseased by
creativity and ideas.
For that, we are willing
to sacrifice everything.
There will be pain.
There must be.

Consider the grapes that need
crushing before producing wine.
The leaves that must endure frost
before generating their brightest colors.

How then, to live with pain
so it strengthens and informs
rather than
weakening and discouraging us.
Hurt brings awareness,
making us more present
to the beatitude
of the present moment.
Beauty is not
an object apart from us,
but a way of perceiving.

Is anything beautiful
if no one’s there to perceive it?
Is the sky at dawn spectacular
if we are fast asleep in our beds?
The world demands our attention
and beauty is spiritualizing.
That is how we take part in it.
It is connective.
Beauty is a calling
and can be 
a vocation;
one risks becoming
a human Dickensian factory
run by a tyrant.

But the good news is:
nature is with us.

A bruise dissipates slowly,
like a spider un-building a web.
A cut closes up in a matter of days
without the slightest planning ahead.
Snip off the head of a flower, and
a new one explodes in its place.
A salamander grows back its tail,
unlike a nose despite one’s own face.
Rain evaporates back into clouds,
as an arrow’s origins are a quiver.
A liver can slowly regenerate itself
the way a finger pushes out a sliver.
Cells die every second or so
only to be promptly replaced.
A tree repeats its branches though
its roots down below go untraced.
Take note of the healing that happens
without effort, meddling, or intent.
The only vacuum that nature abhors
is the lack of faith in what to expect.

Therefore, my art is a phoenix.

Sunday, June 16, 2024


~For Ward

Some stones clear your head

so you can feel their colors.

It takes attention to detail.

The way I look for poetry in The Times

and always find it, though

there are no poems in its pages.

A word here, a title there.

The Times is chock full of sparks

when the mind’s as

dry as parched kindling.

With my garden I uphold

the pursuit of beauty

even as the flowers

make me feel a Frankenstein.

My over-grown hands

and scarred face

fumbling amongst the petals;

things so effortlessly perfect

just as they are,

while I’m stitched together

limb by limb,

my transplanted heart

squeezed inside 

its treasure chest-like terrarium,

along with precious scraps

from learned books

stuffed and corked

for safe keeping.

How I long to put my feet

back into earth.

I am in awe of colors

for their own sake,

they create a climate

cogent as inner weather.

That's how I know

the wind

is the will power

of the world,

that life is alive without us

and to participate

its best to put down

our belongings

and just join in.

I recently received an apatite

stone as a present.

A beacon for drawing down the stars.

Almost immediately something was different,

as if its properties were loosening me.

What was once packed,

constipated, congested, stuffed,

filled to the brim…

now flows.

I used to run around like a chicken

with its head cut off

to live more from the heart.

Now I sit still.

This mineral has me thinking

of all I’ve done to myself

to try and stay alive.

You’d think

failure were an art,

and every step I took

a kind of canny forgery.

Like forgetting to water the flowers

or refusing to eat what’s before me.

The way I ran away from the moment,

one would have thought it

full of hurt.

Wanting to look like someone else.

Wanting to touch someone else’s body.

Not staying silent when

I'd nothing to say.

How I survived being trapped

by gnawing off a vital extremity.

My discomfort with being naked.

My disgust for other’s selfishness,

(having been selfish most my life).

My impatience with those who are ill.

My refusal to remember my mother.

The abandonment of my own protagonism.

The way the past makes me cry.

The way loss humbles me to the core.

The way I crawl into films

to deposit my feelings for safe keeping

knowing one day I will return for them

hoping to feel them again

in the safety of

a rainy afternoon.

By Peter Valentyne

Saturday, June 15, 2024


A Well-Being of One’s Own

I confess I judge people
by how much they’ve
overcome themselves.
It says almost all
one needs to know.
I don’t mean to judge.
I’ve just opted out
of the jury pool, though
my practice remains.

I’ve asked myself
why would anyone
carry their bags into
every room they enter?
Besides, they take up
too much damn room!
Life doesn’t require luggage,
but an unpacking of the heart,
because despite our experience:
beautiful, traumatic, fun, scary,
hurtful, healing, embarrassing,
they’ve no staying power
unless we place them
in a strangle hold.

Me, I float through the forest
light as a leaf on the wind,
my well-being in proportion
to that which I’m aware of.
Hurt waves its white flag
so to escape any whiff
of personal patriotism.

A poem is
antithetical to politics.
Poets are rarely tribal,
but lame goats
meant to lead.
We are not dualistic.
We are not nihilistic.
We are the power
of the flower. We are
clouds, sky, and stars.
We are our remedy;
our pain is our medicine.

God married the Devil
so we could dance
at his wedding.
Eat, drink, and be weary,
for tomorrow we die
so that we might
truly begin to live.

Life takes our teeth,
our hair, our smiles,
our memories, and
scatters our photographs
like so much mulch.
With our precious
things gone,
what do we do
for an antidote?
How do we become
what we already are?

God saves those
who save themselves.
God loves those
who love themselves.
God hates those
who hate themselves
and projects that hatred
onto others.

Our illnesses are purposeful.
They’re never willy nilly.
It’s what our body does
when it can’t live up to
what we think we want
but should know better.


The Sex Life
of Flowers
That Bloom
After Dark

Mine is a hybrid theory.

It fuses the pulse

of the human heart

with the rhythm of nature

and the universe.

My hypothesis is simple:

Every dream

is a flower

that blooms

at night while

the gardener


The dreamer

hovers like a bee

over the flower bed,

his being freed

from physical constraint,

only to find that

in the wee hours

the flowers find

the darkness arousing.

Between bee and being

a speechless intercourse

as unique and expressive

as a sign language

becomes palpable.

Is it any wonder

that after midnight

every garden

turns into a veritable

den of iniquity.

Take the tulips

offering up their roofied goblets

to be syphoned like honey

from unfamiliar lips.

Or the daffodil’s baring

their privates

utterly promiscuous.

Or the hibiscus growing

so horny it’s ridiculous.

The lavender, positively libidinous.

It’s a botany for the hot to trot!

In a bed of roses,

breathing in their scent alone

is considered getting to second base.

For every piston and stamen,

bosomy blossoms entice us

like B movie starlets

in a 60’s Hammer Horror film.

After midnight this very path

is an unseemly flirtation walk.

One need only close one’s eyes

to see their true colors.

Not only have they

designs on each other,

they have them on us.

Their sole rule of thumb:

every night a de-flowering.

You can feel them

flirting even now

can’t you?

Using their wiles

in the darkness

beneath your lids.

Flowers and dreamers

drowning in the dark


in dire need of

nothing less than

artificial insemination;

an exchange of pollen

via the stamen

to the carpel,

until a delicate



before wilting, spent,

entwined stems

collapsing side by side

to form

a vulva-shaped



make us all



so that we live

half our lives

in a state

of abject


Realizing this,

I ask you:

What better vehicle

than the irrational

when the literal

threatens to

reason us all away?

This is the testament

of the flowers:

Nature as the supreme harlot,

with beauty her snare.

At night,

our psyches

push through

dirt to make

their messages known.


the coitus


darkness and light,

fear and desire

escape their

thin skinned


only to buzz


in search

of sacred



church busybodies


gossip about

the local gardener’s

love life.

Their hearsay

knows no


nor are we


as our minds

know only

how to

bloom, being

less adept

at other


That said, the flowers

are emphatic,

fanning out

from their centers,

peacock-like colors

of purple, taupe, and jade

flanked by

the curdling cries

of flora

in heat.

And you thought you knew flora.

Yah, Flora and her hanging gardens.

Twice nightly.

Such dreams

arrive un-beckoned;

a reckoning

from the

other side,




both holy

and wholly

on their


bearing the gift

of nocturnal release;

the very mud

their roots

are mired in,

a compress

for drawing

out toxins.

This garden is

a bacchanalia;

a peep show

under every petal.

Creation itself enacting

one glorious sexual act

after another.

A sacred stems-a-kimbo.


our sleep

we remain

subject to beauty,

in order

to meet


face to face

within the


perimeter of this

very Eden’s

undeniable eroticism.

Like the flowers,

dreams want nothing more

than to pluck us

from ourselves

and offer us up

in a gesture of love

for the nearest Beloved.

Though inside

the dream

we are all

our own

light source.

Night is still

a soil



the gardener

of her carnal


Now you see.

Sleep is Elysian.

Who, then among us

can say

which humus

is more real?

The one we

grow out of

by day,

or the one

that decomposes

by night,

floating our








like a lotus


from the mud.