A Well-Being of One’s Own
I confess I judge people
by how much they’ve
overcome themselves.
It says almost all
one needs to know.
I don’t mean to judge.
I’ve just opted out
of the jury pool, though
my practice remains.
I’ve asked myself
why would anyone
carry their bags into
every room they enter?
Besides, they take up
too much damn room!
Life doesn’t require luggage,
but an unpacking of the heart,
because despite our experience:
beautiful, traumatic, fun, scary,
hurtful, healing, embarrassing,
they’ve no staying power
unless we place them
in a strangle hold.
Me, I float through the forest
light as a leaf on the wind,
my well-being in proportion
to that which I’m aware of.
Hurt waves its white flag
so to escape any whiff
of personal patriotism.
A poem is
antithetical to politics.
Poets are rarely tribal,
but lame goats
meant to lead.
We are not dualistic.
We are not nihilistic.
We are the power
of the flower. We are
clouds, sky, and stars.
We are our remedy;
our pain is our medicine.
God married the Devil
so we could dance
at his wedding.
Eat, drink, and be weary,
for tomorrow we die
so that we might
truly begin to live.
Life takes our teeth,
our hair, our smiles,
our memories, and
scatters our photographs
like so much mulch.
With our precious
things gone,
what do we do
for an antidote?
How do we become
what we already are?
God saves those
who save themselves.
God loves those
who love themselves.
God hates those
who hate themselves
and projects that hatred
onto others.
Our illnesses are purposeful.
They’re never willy nilly.
It’s what our body does
when it can’t live up to
what we think we want
but should know better.
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