Thursday, August 18, 2022



I am the perfect host.

I accept things as they are.

I am egoless, mindless.

In the presence of a flower

I hold a flower.

If a bird comes,

I am its cage.

Confronted by beauty

I become beautiful.

In the company

of ugliness

I accept it as my own.

I am everything

as is.

I am undiscriminating,

without self-consciousness.

If something appears,

I welcome it as a guest.

When it disappears

I let it go

not looking back.

If I were

capable of thought,

I would receive

each thought

as a visitor.

I, myself

do not venture out

as I am

too quicksilver,

and lack impetus.

I am fearless,


to absorb.

I abhor

an empty room

as they leave me




And so

I wait

ready to share

this shining


at the merest

of glances.






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