Thursday, March 31, 2022


Why I Like to Sit on the Floor
and Other Aberrations

Sometimes furniture feels like an affectation;
a chair was never a part of the natural order.
When I sit on the floor I feel more grounded,
less pretentious, more centered, more real.
All things flow downward toward what’s low.
To sit on the floor is like sitting in God’s lap.

I always hold the first sip of wine in my mouth
without swallowing it as if I were trying
to identify a poison, 
except when taking the Eucharist.

A psychic once told me I’d been poisoned
in a past life.

I was also told I’d been beheaded.

Cutting my hair always feels like a suicide attempt.

I often walk with my head cocked to the side
imagining I'm in a b&w film from the forties.

I force a smile every morning the first thing upon waking.

I tell myself nothing bad can happen when you’re smiling.

I like to rearrange my furniture on a weekly basis.

I cannot look in a mirror in public.

I cannot look at pictures of myself.

There are certain songs I will be singing all my life.

Everything I know about human nature
I learned from Cinderella.

Seeing someone vomit makes me vomit.

I have a preternatural fear of mannequins.

Trees can make me cry.

I can’t undress in a room that smells of chlorine.

If I see someone down the street a block ahead of me
I always look away for fear they’ll see me looking at them.

I can’t bear gum in my mouth after its lost its flavor.

I hate hearing the telephone ring.

I like risking my life.

I cry in cars.

I've no idea what it feels like to be a man.



WNixon said...

Peter! Your new poem, “Why I like To Sit On The Floor And Other Abberations” is gorgeous! This poem overflows with insight, depth, and even humor in the midst of delivering a powerful message. By addressing one’s unique and private sensibilities, with the knowledge that you are not alone in this respect, can potentially spark a cathartic reaction, and, quite possibly, lessen the personal feelings of alienation. All of the aforementioned can hinder growth and a sense of well being. Thus, the counter
could elevate spiritual strength and healing, leading to infinite growth, internally and externally. I particularly love the last line, which, brings it all home, permitting one to unconditionally feel and express the natural flow of human emotions, regardless of any unnatural expectations and mores placed upon a man or a woman by society, which, dictates how a man or a woman should feel within any given set of circumstances. Contrived. The Universe has always intended for humankind to connect with that natural flow of expression regardless of gender. To do so, propels strength, albeit, the individual courage that it might take to execute and ride against the wave of the norm, which, ultimately, proves to be a beautiful and freeing reality. The colors, sounds and textures of this poem are exciting, Peter. BRAVO! Keep writing and keep up the good work! 👏✍️

Marc McBarron Kessler said...

Each sentence/confession/observation was like a loose strand of hair caught in the breath of the wind and touching my cheek as I walk similar streets alone, reminding me I am not alone.