Tuesday, January 4, 2022


If we fully realize

it is fallacious to insist

or suppose that we leave off 

where others begin, 

then there is no

part of they that is not

us as well, and nothing 

we own truly ours.

Therefore, we might make

the following resolutions:

To defend our love of life.

To be more patient with others.

To overlook faults 

though never our own.

To be strong and resilient

without becoming

remote or unfeeling.

To embrace the silent

nothingness waiting beneath

the surface of everything

and not run from it

or fill it with noise.

To be more present 

in small moments.

To be more loving,

less judgmental.

To eat more thoughtfully.

To actively participate

in our well-being.

To manifest the good

if we should find it

missing in the world.

To make our own joy.

To smile more frequently

and first thing on waking.

To take responsibility

for all our actions.

To realize that disappointment

is the unfair product

of our own expectations.

To take better care of our vessel.

To use ourselves for good. 

To take care with our appearance

so that it reflects our ideals.

To have the courage 

of our convictions 

and to represent them 

wherever we find ourselves.

And finally…

to pray and not say amen

so that our lives

become one long


1/To go forth/ 2022

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