Thursday, April 22, 2021



“The Art of Being Able”

“It is as if you read my mind. Sometimes what you write is exactly how I am feeling. 

I have had questions in my mind most recently about belonging nowhere.

I love this, between two places - here and there. 

Not only do I adore your poetry and how it is written but as well - 

how it makes me feel. Your poetry is my companion.” 

 ~Melanie Futorian Film Maker & Choreographer

“A beauty of a piece with an amazing riff on the word “belonging”.  Belonging is interpreted as included, or part of. but longing is the desire for something, someone, need!!!!  Once again your brilliance is a marvel!!!!” 

~Barnet Shindlman 

“Excellent. Seemingly simple, but ever so profound!!”

 ~Marion Darby

“I totally see myself in this poem. A beautiful piece of work. So well done!”

 ~David Garfield

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