Saturday, June 6, 2020


Agree to everything.
Care little where
you find yourself.
Accustomed to feeling
less than,
be content to live
by your own devices
(translation: wits.)
You are not a weed,
but heartiest flower
of the promised land.

Bright countenance, you
lift your face
allied for prayer
and mimic the sun
as if it were
cheerful to be lowly.
Though glamour-less,
your simplicity speaks
a startling
Your roots 
find strength
by joining
beneath the
harshest ground.

Tending to cluster 
you enjoy nothing 
more than being
like amongst like,
as if your sunny
dared to spell
a word more
definitive than
your color.

you appear
an unruly rabble, 
you constitute
a chorus.
Even as
a choir of one
you remain
by hardship 
or terrain.

Plucked and held
under the chin,
it is possible
to make a 
magic butter,
proof your
divine imagination
is in tandem with
the light of 
of the sun.

And then
after living
a life of yellow,
your exuberance
comes of age
exploding it’s
backwards butterfly,
a living poof
the color of breath
in cold air;
a gentle geometry
of fireworks
and holograph. 

you birth
an ashen awe,
an unforeseen
by the wish
of someone
for something

Peter Valentyne

June 6th, 2020

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