Sunday, October 27, 2019

What's a Metaphor?

Did you know that life
is made more tenable
by the simple use of a proper metaphor?
 When in the throws of trying times,
unlike a mirror's more pedestrian rhymes
this simple act of magical thinking
could give your psyche a fresh new inkling.

By combining distance with reflection
metaphors can alter one's circumspection.

My own diary is
artless yet elegiac; 
a place for synonyms
to mingle with verbs.
Suffice it to say
 "like" for "as",
has brought closure
to so many of my words.

You see
this way there's
less a chasm between
the implicit and the implied,
revealing a surprising comparison
between two things
rarely found
side by side.

For instance I liken my emotions
 to what I see up in the sky,
dark clouds equal frustration,
red horizons make my heart sigh.

I am guilty of thinking
(dare I leave it at that?)
surely an argument
can be made for favoring
metaphorical over literal fact.

Take the fundamentalist
searching for the ark
at the bottom of the sea
or mistaking Moby Dick
for the whale that swiped Jonah
right out of his family tree!

I confess
I'm desperate
to find meaning
in the world at large,
though I'd rather not
reduce the stars
to poetic constraints,
well, maybe just
Pluto and Mars.

On the subject of the heavens
I offer this word
of consternation:
I have found that
that which goes
does tend
towards constellation.

So taking these thoughts
to heart
I examine their meaning
with glee.
Case in point:  though I am
the black sheep of my clan,
I'm neither black
nor am I a sheep!

Metaphors bring
the unrelated together,
I think you can plainly see,
it's how one conjugates a royal rift
and I don't mean
with the royal "we".

Take for example
a well rounded snow man,
formed simple for the sake of fun.
His carrot, coal and scarf;
props of a sentence being
slowly undone by the sun.

Aren't we all made
of that same holy water
transmuted from
sea to sky?
What is a metaphor
if not a child's eye view
born in a snowman's eye.

Peter Valentyne
October 29th, 2019

Saturday, October 19, 2019


to write 
a poem 
from the 
To turn away
from grasping,
yet not
spare the lamb.
Has a poem
ever been 

What if
we are
to be
our own
Look how 
the words
sacred and scared
and scarred
are lamed early
by the very
forces that will
bring about
their strength.
They discover
the secret.
To curb one’s desire 
so to quench 
the soul’s thirst
(despite our being 
made of
two thirds
with or without
a God.

we resist
being solved
there’s no
solving others;
our natures
too fluid.
I’ve taken
to stuffing 
stones in
my pockets
 for fear
of floating
upward to
some second
another canvas,
yet our own.
when my art
is here?

Consider the bird,
or cat,
or catbird;
any animal
who has no choice
but to be where
the fates
have fixed it,
in other words:
where we
find ourselves.
Only an orphan
knows by
a lack
of experience
how kindness
is what 
it takes
to make
a world
a home.

In the city,
my nature
A red leaf 
under foot
whereas the
smashed pigeon
in the middle
of the road
is so startling
that it might
as well be
 a quill
dipped in 
it’s own blood.

the heart 
knows things
the mind
can’t fathom.
For instance;
it's what
does after
being dashed
to bits
that holds the most

Peter Valentyne
October 19th, 2019

Sunday, October 6, 2019


My favorite memory was nature.
I still remember this
from the time
before I was chosen
for indoctrination.
A time before my instruments
were trained on beauty,
before I discovered
I could make my own 

Since then, 
everything I’ve done,
I’ve done as an agent
on an urgent mission,
under my own surveillance,
employed by an agency
that has never revealed itself.
I receive messages 
via what is likely an implant
buried in a head of cabbage.
Plucked from obscurity
as an abandoned child
and trained by calamity
(I was once made to eat
my own vomit),
Still, I never talked.

My nervous breakdown at 17
saw me sever ties with any hope
for a normal life.
All my experiences became assignments.
When I uncovered love
(or did love uncover me?),
I was already working for the agency.
The slightest show of affection
would have me bombarded with spasms
of permeating discomfort. 
I remember how my heart 
often felt like an open wound.

Here’s the thing: 
Love is an overt betrayal
of the agency’s principles.
Love makes you vulnerable
to un-vetable outside forces. 
Every foray into the illogic
of loving risks
endangering your mission.
I have now worked for the agency
for what amounts to my entire life,
often moving to another city 
when exposed.

My adventures have been marked by
small, inconspicuous successes.
As an agent
friendships are rare, if impossible.
Friendliness is only encouraged 
as an intelligence strategy.
Unable to make enemies
even with an enemy
and because of fear of exposure,
my personal opinions 
have been rendered pointless.
I am not here
to accumulate likes and dislikes
like so many joys or unpleasantness.
It is forbidden for me to object.
I am not here to pleasure myself.
My pleasure is viewed 
as a form of betrayal.

I could choose to confess.
An old spy is not a young spy
and a reckoning is surely coming.
I am working for the agency
at the expense of any right
to the most mundane
gesture of selfishness.

As a boy I learned 
to observe others
by surveilling myself:
On home base
I wasn’t just holding the bat,
I observed myself
holding the bat
while the other boys had fun,
I had already been inducted
and hiding
in plain sight.

Truth is, I was chosen because
I was attractive to the enemy,
vulnerable and without family ties,
and I had an undeniably open heart.
So many avenues would have
been possible for me,
except for the most valuable: 
Simple being.

Imagine for a moment
working for a clandestine agency
where you have never met the boss
face to face,
where proving your worth
is based on your ability to blend in,
to appear to belong no matter
where you find yourself,
but never truly belonging.

Your smallest everyday exchange
is an experience to be infiltrated
rather than lived.  

From your first glimmer 
of sexual awakening
you are groomed as a prostitute
and encouraged to use your sex
in exchange for information.
When you went rogue and experimented
as you often have
using your sexuality for escape
rather than leverage,
you were made ill 
and confined
to your bed
like Ingrid Bergman in Notorious.

For years I became convinced
the agency was working
out of the basement 
of a local evangelical church.
Maybe that way 
I could imagine myself
a noble experiment,
an enigma,
something futile
yet holy.

I live my life by a series of codes.
First code of conduct:
No one says what they mean.
I may say what I mean
only after extraction.
After all,
words are for disguising what is.

Second code of conduct:
People hide their weaknesses.
And I am not allowed to show strength.
Be always a valley
as water flows ever downward
like love to an empty cup.
There are other rules:
Do not draw attention to yourself.
Do not become famous for anything.
Do not fraternize with other agents.
Do not be ugly, angry, or mean.

And also some do’s:
Be simple and kind, not complicated.
Be approachable, unpretentious, and polite.
Occasionally use curse words.
Do not appear perfect.

Last night I scribbled a note 
on the inside of a book of matches
and tossed it from a height.
Lucky for me, I found it.
The note read: 
Find that thing
that touches
everything you think.
God, beauty, love, 
pleasure, fear, desire….
Then meet me there.
They’re onto you.

Peter Valentyne
September 2018