Sunday, November 25, 2018

Double Jeopardy

He started merely as a stand-in.
Though he parted his hair differently
he could easily pass for me.
No one seemed to notice.

In the beginning, so long ago,
he stepped in when
I just couldn’t cope,
or when things got especially dicey.

And yes, I was using him.
If you were to look closely,
the main difference between us
is his appearance of confidence.

That’s when you know
its him and not me.
At first it felt like fun.
Sending him in on dates

I was particularly inhibited by
or interviews for jobs
I was, frankly, unqualified for,
but still had my own ambitions.

But just because he looks
like me doesn’t make him me.
After so many years, even I
can barely tell us apart.

That’s when the dreaming
really began.
Dreams more real than not.
Am I dreaming his dreams or mine?

I even discussed them with a doctor,
how the dreams were growing
more real, more vivid
than anything I did in the daylight.

It was as though I had begun
to live two separate lives:
a nightlife and a day life.
And then there’s this half-life

In which I am furiously writing
in a notebook at 4:00 AM
while he still lays sleeping
drugged by two perilously pink Benadryl

So that I could have this time
to tell my truth.
It may be the only time
I’m sure I’m still myself.

When I think about my double,
I feel that I am not alone.
I’m sure there are others with doubles
going about doing
so discreetly
what needs to be done.

It is entirely too easy to continue
on a path that gradually divides
us and almost as impossible to stop
using him as I do

If only because I’ve begun to grow
tired. I’m barely up to things
generally and the game may be
draining, even zapping my stamina.

Now, the only time I feel at peace
is at times like this at early twilight,
the time before the dawn
over-takes the dark.

I wonder what he would think
if he knew I was writing this.
Trying to separate and further
distinguish myself from him.

After joining and merging
for what seems like a whole lifetime
like an old married couple
who still insist on their individuality.

Last year we acquired a cat
after our beloved dog died.
My dear Phoenix could tell
the difference between us.

He knew who was who.
So much for dogs being dumb.
The cat couldn’t care less
which one is me.

It was the heart attack
that nearly killed us both
save that he grew stronger
while I languished in spirit
let alone body.

It caused a further split
and he simply took over,
as my will was weakened
mourning the near loss of me.

While he continued…better for it;
my history in his pocket
like so much spare change.
And so he spends his time as me.

But now, lately, I’ve been 
gaining strength again
in small moments where
I insist on taking charge.

Quick aside:
The blinkering xmas tree lights
are making the cat nauseous. 
I really do love her.

The light is coming up.
I may not be able to sustain
this clarity. He’s sure to
want to take it from here.

What if he wants me out 
of the picture? But why?
When our perfect game
has seen us both through so many scrapes?

He’s sure to wake soon.
He’ll want my life back.
How absurd that sounds.
That I may no longer know which
is the double.

So let’s sort through this.
Which of us is stronger?
Who’s confidence is more alarming?
Who’s might be more refreshing? 

What if I’m fooling myself?
What does it say that I’ve
allowed him to live all this time as me?
When he plainly has his own
mysterious motivations.

Which of us has more consciousness?
Right now it’s me. 
Which of us is more loving?
I believe in God.
He believes in himself.

He knows how to get what he wants.
I don’t really. But I think
getting what you want
isn’t always the best thing.

I’m careful for what I want
while he wants everything.

I hear him stirring.

Peter Valentyne
November 2018

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