Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Remedy for Happiness

I was murdered by my first love
at the un-ripe age of seventeen.
As far as I know, 
he’s still out there
unaware that my slow death
was not an end in itself.

Memories of early happiness
still stalk me, arriving unannounced
and unwanted often when
I’m engaged in small tasks
like chopping carrots or 
retrieving the mail.
That’s when I hide.

This has been my story,
a story I never meant to stick with.
The fact that I am still here
is testament to how I managed
to jump my narrative tracks.
I had to do something
because being dead is no way to live.

I did everything but change my name
though I might as well have.
You’ll find my palette lacks a color
I will never go back to.
Though when I see it
and its everywhere in nature,
there is no escaping 
it’s unassuming violence.
But few take time to notice
my absence of green.

One time happiness rushed 
up on me in Central Park
as if hiding behind a tree.
It threw me to the ground
and pushed my face 
against grass and stones.
It left a mark for days.

There is nowhere it can’t find me.
Are we all being so
tracked and snared?
I can’t be the only one.
Let’s face it,
if I had and wanted it,
or even let it,
I couldn’t have written this
to warn you.

Peter Valentyne
August 2018

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